Content Creation Tips

Influencer Networks to join for paid partnerships

Did you know you can get paid partnerships by simply applying to campaigns online? An influencer network is a marketplace where bloggers can find brands and upcoming campaigns.
I have worked with brands through all these platforms and I highly recommend signing up for them:

  • AspireIQ : You can apply directly to campaigns available to you with your quote based on your profile so fill all the details and add all your socials.
  • Cohley : Campaigns here have fixed number of deliverables and fixed compensation. You need to send a message to brand while applying, I suggest writing about what you will create for the campaign and sharing your content ideas on why the brand should hire you for this campaign
  • SocialNative : Campaigns here also have fixed Compensation and Deliverables. You are matched with campaigns based on your profile so I suggest filling in all the details correctly and linking all socials.

Other platforms I recommend for gifted only campaigns are Apexdrop, Statusphere and Corcus. Good Luck!!

*This post is not sponsored by any of the above mentioned platforms.

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