Fashion Winter

Celebrating my Winter Birthday in Florals

Like every other winter born, I love the idea of having my birthday in the holiday season, but I also go through the struggle of deciding what to wear on this special day. Those beautiful low cut dresses with all their glitter look really tempting, but when the temperatures are below freezing point, they don’t seem like a viable option to me.My other option is of course to laden myself with a heavy coat, which again is not something I like to do.

So this year I decided to take the middle way. To bring that happy vibe to my winter wardrobe and my birthday I decided to introduce florals to my winter wardrobe.Winter is dreary enough with cold temperatures and snow, so why not add a little color to at least your wardrobe.

Here are some of my tips to wear florals in winter:
  • Choose your fabric and cut wisely: Integrate dark florals into your wardrobe.The darker floral palette still applies to winter. Less contrast between the background and the flowers takes away the bright spring and summer vibe, making it more suitable for colder weather.A long-sleeved dress and longer hemline fits in with the winter style.
  • Layer up: Opaque black tights and fitted jacket make a dress winter appropriate. Leaving your legs bare when it’s freezing cold looks out of place.

    And just like that you can make your florals work for winter !! Yeiii ….

Floral Dress

Floral Dress

Floral DressShop The Look:

Floral Dress (Currently on Sale at only $8, Hurry!) , Over the Knee Boots (Currently on Sale 30% off) , Bag , Similar Jacket

On a side note, here’s wishing all my winter born friends out there a very happy birthday ! I would love to hear your winter birthday style and how you choose your outfits.Share your opinions in the comments section or feel free to email me. And most importantly don’t forget “Wear something that puts a smile on your face”.

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